Catalog data concepts
Across teams, different words are often used to describe similar concepts. This article aims to describe commonly used terminology used at Constructor to describe product catalog data.
Items and variations
- Items (most commonly products) are sometimes offered in several variations, such as different sizes, fits, and / or colors.
- When determining what should be considered an item or a variation, refer to your current product listing pages (search results and browse pages). We consider whatever information is represented by each result tile on these pages to be an item (product).
- We have flexibility when organizing variations data. A product that comes in 3 sizes and 4 colors can be represented as 12 variations (1 for each size and color combination) or 4 variations (one for each color).
Item groups and facets
- Item groups refer to the categories that items (products) are organized into. Each product may belong to multiple groups.
- A browse page is a product listing page (PLP) that shows all items belonging to a single group.
- The group hierarchy is presented in the user interface as a navigation menu, allowing users to browse directly to product listing pages instead of utilizing a search feature.
- Facets refer to the product and variation attributes used to sort and filter results.

Constructor catalog data concepts visualized
Updated 6 months ago