Direct site placement

To load the Constructor beacon via direct site placement, simply add the following script element to the HTML of your site, replacing <CUSTOM_BUNDLE_NAME> with the custom bundle name provided:

<script defer src="<CUSTOM_BUNDLE_NAME>.js"></script>


Be sure to replace < & > as well when entering the src value for the script tag

Where to add the script tag in your HTML

The script tag should either be included:

  1. between the <head> and </head> tags
  2. or just before the closing </body> tag

The "defer" attribute

We advise adding the defer attribute to your script tag (as shown in the example code preceding). This attribute instructs browsers to prioritize loading other scripts that may be used to render the page or affect the user experience. Our beacon will behave just fine with or without the defer attribute, but adding this attribute is the best way to ensure that loading the beacon has no impact on your website's performance.


Additional resources to learn more about the defer attribute