Retrieve by item ID

Retrieve browse results for products (or optionally other sections) by item ID(s).

The browse item endpoint accepts a list of items and returns a standard browse response structure. Additional filters may be passed in the request, but custom sort orders are not supported (items will always be returned in the order of ids that are specified in the request).

The browse items endpoint is designed for fast lookup of item data in production where performance and scalability are critical. It is used by customers in contexts such as: populating product detail pages with product information, retrieving data for products returned on a homepage with representative store pricing, or supplementing result pages with data for items that are placed from alternate systems, such as ad servers. Typically customers use this capability where the responses from their eCommerce platform are not sufficiently performant, or don't support store or regional pricing. The browse items endpoint does not return results for items that have not yet been indexed.

In contrast, the items ingestion API retrieves any item that has been uploaded to a customer's index, even if it hasn't yet been indexed. It is intended only for integration and backend usage, requires authentication and has more aggressive rate limiting -- it is not designed for end-users. The endpoint also does not support filter logic.

The browse items endpoint is something of a special use case and is not leveraged by most customers (most customers will use their eCommerce platform for this case). Rather, most customers and browse contexts (browse a brand or category or collection) will utilize the standard browse endpoint.

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