The Variations APIs are a suite of endpoints designed for managing and retrieving item variation data within a catalog. These endpoints are part of a RESTful API, allowing for the creation, update, deletion, and retrieval of variation information.
API endpoints
- Retrieve variations
- Create or replace variations
- Update variations
- Delete variations
- Retrieve variation
Update variations
JSON parameters
JSON parameters are the same as for create or replace variations. The only difference is that name
and data.url
in the variation schema are not required when updating already existing items.
Modification of metadata
Metadata modifications cannot be done for on_missing
when working with the Update variations endpoint.
Metadata values can be partially updated with requests by providing them in a special format:
"key:action": ["value1", "value2"]
where action could be either add
or remove
For example, this request will add "red" and remove "blue" from the metadata with the key "store1":
"id": "t-shirt",
"name": "T-Shirt",
"data": {
"store1:add": ["Red"],
"store1:remove": ["Blue"]
Rate limiting
To provide a better user experience with catalog update operations, a queuing mechanism is in place. Every catalog request creates a task to process.
The default queue limit is 1,000. After exceeding the limit of 1,000 tasks, rate limiting will be applied.
To understand the remaining quota, please refer to the X-RateLimit-Tasks-Remaining
header, which will show how many tasks can be submitted at the moment.